All works fine.

All Services Last 90 Days

90 Days Ago Today

Admin panel Login, logout

90 Days Ago Today

Call and video Call and video description

90 Days Ago Today

Ticket operations Ticket filters, ticket search, loading of ticket detail

90 Days Ago Today

Email services Sending and receiving emails

90 Days Ago Today
Past Incidents
No incident today.
System degradation in US - Texas
US Texas
Resolved in 9 hours and 0 minutes
We are pleased to announce that the issue affecting the visibility of a small portion of tickets for some of our customers has been successfully resolved. All affected services have been fully restored. We successfully recovered all primary shards, ensuring all tickets are now visible. Right now we are waiting only for replicas to be completed - these are needed for redundancy, but all tickets should be visible already.
2024-07-26 22:30 UTC
The problem occured when switching Elasticsearch (ES) from Linode to AWS, afecting 2 shards out of 50, so aprox. 3% of tickets were not visible for some customers. Now one of the two primary shards was restored, reducing the number of impacted tickets to only 1.7% of tickets. Our admins are still working on fix of the the second primary shard and then they will reindex any missing changes.
2024-07-26 17:30 UTC
We are currently experiencing an unexpected service degradation affecting US - Texas data center. This degradation has resulted in limited access to the following services: Tickets. Visibility of tickets in the LiveAgent panel might be affected and some customers might not see all their tickets. We apologize for this temporary impact and assure you that all your tickets should become visible again. Our technical team is actively working to identify the root cause of the issue and restore full functionality ASAP. We understand the inconvenience this may cause and assure you that we are taking all necessary steps to resolve this incident promptly. We will continue to provide updates on our status page and will notify you once the services are fully restored. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.
2024-07-26 13:30
No incident this day.
System outage in our EUR linode datacenter
Resolved in 0 hours and 25 minutes
The situation is stabilised, the outage lasted from 16:05-16:30 CEST.
2024-07-24 14:30 UTC
Health-check failed on both LBs simultaneously. Situatiuon will be analyzed in cooperatio with our provider Linode to prevent similar cases in the future.
2024-07-24 14:30 UTC
We are currently experiencing an unexpected service outage affecting our European Linode data center in Germany. This outage has resulted in limited access to the following services: Admin, Calls, Tickets and Emails. Our technical team is actively working to identify the root cause of the issue and restore full functionality ASAP. We understand the inconvenience this may cause and assure you that we are taking all necessary steps to resolve this incident promptly. We will continue to provide updates on our status page and will notify you once the services are fully restored. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.
2024-07-24 14:05
No incident this day.
No incident this day.
No incident this day.
No incident this day.
No incident this day.
No incident this day.
No incident this day.
No incident this day.
No incident this day.